Displace Dog (Chinese: ????) is a 2016 Chinese-American 3D computer-animated comedy wrap produced by Mandoo Pictures and Huayi Brothers. The record is directed by Ash Brannon, inscribed by Ash Brannon and Kurt Voelker, based on the graphical new "Himalayish Candy Dog" by Zheng Jun. The sheet features the voices of Gospels Author, Eddie Izzard, J. K. Simmons, Explorer Dishonourable, Kenan Archeologist, Mae Poet, Jorge Garcia, Matt Dillon and Sam Elliott. The taradiddle unfolds when a broadcasting falls from the sky, a poet Asian Mastiff is inspired to afford his community in the mountains and advise into the big city to prettify a stuff instrumentalist.
It is scheduled for hand in Prc by Huayi Brothers on July 8, 2016.[2]
It is scheduled for hand in Prc by Huayi Brothers on July 8, 2016.[2]