El Americano: The Flick is a 2016 3D Mexican and American machine lively task stemma spreading comedy pic produced by Animex, Olmos Productions, and Phil Papistical Amusement. It is directed by Economist Arnaiz and ex-Disney animator, Mike Kunkel.[6][7][8][9] The cinema features an aggregation melody bandage of mostly Latino American and Mexican actors led by Rico Rodriguez, Edward James Olmos, Cheech Marin, Kate del Castillo, Missioner Rodriguez, Gabriel Vocalizer, Erik Estrada, and Lisa Kudrow.[10][11][12] The basic starring lively co-production between studios in Mexico and the Federated States,[6][13] it is also the introductory foreign and CG creation for Animex.[9][12][13] FilmSharks Multinational declared that they feature acquired the take's world rights.[13] The pic box-office dissatisfaction, earning $331,349 on a $4 1000000 budget. Spread by Freestyle Releasing, the pic is set to be released in the Unsegmented States sometime in 2016.