A Demon in Paris (Carver: Un monstre à Paris) is a 2011 Nation 3D computer-animated play comedy phantasy adventure cinema directed by Bibo Bergeron, produced by Luc Besson, scrivened by Stéphane Kazandjian, distributive by EuropaCorp Dispersion, features the voices of Sean Lennon, Vanessa Paradis, Adam Cartoonist, Danny Filmmaker, Madeline Zima, Matthew Géczy, Jay Harrington, Empress O'Hara, and Bob Balaban and based on a prevarication he wrote. Many aspects of the take are (very generally) supported on Gaston Leroux's new The Semblance of the Theatre. It was free on 12 October 2011. It was also produced by Bibo Films, Author 3 Cinéma, Travel The Dog, uFilm, uFund, Canal+, Author Télévisions, CinéCinéma, Le Tax Security du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique and Umedia. Its punishment was coolheaded by Matthieu Chedid, Sean Songster and Patrice Renson. It was edited by Mathematician Chevé and Nicolas Stretta.